
天使 影视资讯 5 0





  1. 电影《变形金刚2:卷土重来》的片尾曲叫什么名字
  2. 求!电影《变形金刚2:卷土重来》中所有角色的名字


1、I remembered black skies the lightning all around me

2、I remembered each flash as time began to blur

3、Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me

4、Just your voice was all I heard

5、So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean


7、Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

8、Give me reason to fill this hole connect the space between

9、Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies

10、There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned

11、There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow

12、And the ground caved in between where we were standing

13、Just your voice was all I heard

14、So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean


16、Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

17、In every loss in every lie in every truth that you'd deny


19、And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide


21、Just your voice was all I heard

22、So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean


24、Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

25、Give me reason to fill this hole connect the space between

26、Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies

27、《New Divide》是美国摇滚乐队林肯公园演唱的一首歌曲。歌曲由乐队成员作词、作曲,发布于2009年5月18日。该歌曲作为电影《变形金刚2》的主题曲,收录在该影片的原声带专辑《Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen- The Album》中。

28、2010年,歌曲获得HIT FM音乐大奖年度十大金曲奖。歌曲的电影原声音轨由斯蒂夫·贾布隆斯基完成,汉斯·季默则帮忙加快工作进度。关于“New Divide”这个名字的含义,官方说法是暗指威震天的复活。


Optimus Prime擎天柱 Bumblebee大黄蜂 Jazz爵士 Ratchet救护车 Ironhide铁皮 Sideswipe横炮 Arcee阿尔茜 Mudflap挡泥板 Autobot Skids刹车 Jolt摇晃 Jetfire天火 Megatron威震天 Starscream红蜘蛛 Bonecrusher碾压机--袭击 Brawl吵闹 Vortex旋风(直升机) Soundwave声波 Barricade街垒--路障(警车) Blackout眩晕(直升机) Frenzy迷乱 Scorponok萨克巨人 Soundbyte音浪 Hot Shot激射 Sideways双面人 The Doctor医生 Wheelie转轮 Stryker悍将(装甲车) Ravage机器狗 The Fallen堕落者 Devastator大力神,由七个金刚合体:搅拌者(Mixmaster,银白色,头部)马克(Mack)混凝土搅拌车清扫机(Scavenger,红色,前胸)特雷克斯(Terex)RH400液压式矿用挖掘机铲土机(Scrapper,黄色,右臂)卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)992G轮胎式装载机高塔(Hightower,黄色,左臂)神户(Kobelco)CK2500起重机猛虎(Rampage,浅褐色,左腿)卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)D9L推土机拖斗(Longhaul,绿色,右腿)卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)773B自动倾卸卡车超载(Overload,红色,后背)小松(Komatsu)HD465-7绞接式倾卸卡车 Alpha Q宇宙生物 Demolisher破坏者 Cyclonus狂飙 Sky Blast天爆 Inferno消防车 Terrorcon龙头部队--机器恐龙 Air Glide空翔 Tidal Wave潮汐波--震荡波 Galvatron惊破天 Strong Arm铁腕 Road Blaster路霸 Primus超级领袖 Reconbot后勤战士 Cybertron-Primus原始天尊 Metroplex猛大帅 Signal Flare信号弹 Unicron宇宙大帝

